Thursday, December 3, 2009

I have a friend...

...who's bugging me about deleting my blog as I haven't done a post in sooooooo long! So, to keep said friend quiet, I have decided to write a little something :-).

First off, I would like to congratulate my dear friends Jahni and Ruan not only on their fourth wedding anniversary, but also on little Nicole's TWO brand new teeth! Congrats to the girlies, Nicci for growing such beautiful teeth and Jahni for not giving in to the urge I am sure she often gets to clobber someone with a Bauer pan... We love you guys and are truly blessed to have you as friends.

Secondly, I would like to congratulate a very dear friend of mine on her pregnancy!! As they have not yet told many people, I won't give any names, but you know who you are... I am so over the moon for you and B and can't wait to meet that little alien!

Thirdly: I wish Unisa would get a-bloody-move-on with the exam results!!! The suspence is killing me!

I have to admit that I have got so many things that I would like to write about, but time is a bit of an issue at the moment. Things seem to pick up speed towards the end of the year with all the loose ends that need to be tied up before we can all go and relax... Not so nice, as all I want to do at this stage, is...well...NOTHING! As little as possible! Play with my girly, spend time with hubby, read, sleep... Rest! I am on leave from 15 December to 11 January and look forward to spending quality time with family and friends.

I can't promise anything, but I will try and sneak in a post or two before going on leave.