Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I love you because...

Irene tagged us to give ten things we love about our little angels. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick to ten, because there is just soooooo many things I love about her, but let's see...

1) Oh, those eyes!! Those big, beautiful eyes with the long, long lashes that can stare at you as if you are the most amazing person in the whole world, with so much love and trust!
2) The way your whole face lights up when you smile or laugh, those eyes (again!) squinting until you can hardly see the eyes between the lids, wrinkling your little nose and then laughing and squeeling with delight... Makes everyone around you want to laugh with you.
3) The way you call for me from your cot if I take too long to get up and greet you in the mornings. "Mamma?" Soft and questioning, almost as if you don't want to disturb me if I am maybe still asleep.
4) Those magical hugs and kisses! No matter how bad my day was, I immediately feel 100 times better when I pick you up in the afternoon and I get a big bear hug from you (while patting my arm as if to say "It's okay mommy, I'm here now").
5) Every little inch of your cuter than cute body. Your feet (which, by the way, looks like a size-reduced copy of daddy's) with those cute little jelly-tot toes. The marshmallow-bum that has got cellulite even though you are quite a skinny-kiddy (okay, I confess, that part you got from me...). Those busy little hands with their gorgeous dimples that are always pointing, waving, blowing kisses... Granny says you have got the most beautiful hands she has ever seen, and I completely agree!
6) The way you get so super excited when you see yourself in the mirror. I don't blame you, I'd also get so excited if I were that gorgeous!
7) Your total enthusiasm for everyone and everything. You laugh so easily, at the doggies, at your grannies, at your cousins, at something as silly as me playfully biting your fingers to try and coax you into allowing me to feel your gums (with which I am having no success!). You love life, and I love you for it!
8) The way you very firmly shake your head when you decide you have had enough to eat. Since before you were born, you knew what you wanted and NO-ONE will make you do something you don't want to do.
9) The fact that you do something new practically every day! One of your latest things is to go "Oooooooooeeeeee" for something that tickles your fancy, pouting those lips like a real pro! I just want to kiss you when you do that!
10) The way you 'share' your dummy with me and daddy. The way you crawl. The way you walk. The way you stand. The way you love books. The way you sleep... You see, I can go on and on and on, I love every single thing about you! My baby, I love you with all my heart!!!

(I imagine you reading this blog 15 years from now and going "Mooooooooom!!! You wrote about my bum!!! How could you?!!! This is sooooooo embarrasing!" all the way rolling those eyes as you already do when you've actually had enough to eat, but is indulging me with taking one more bite because I don't think you've had enough...)


  1. Sy is pragtig! En ja sy gaan heel waarskynlik haar oe rol as sy oor 15 jaar die blog lees!
